Climb the Mountain just a little bit to test that it’s a Mountain. From the top of the Mountain, you cannot see the Mountain……

Worked on a bunch of stuff for Tilaterum this weekend.  Enjoy.
Khurasan Miniatures Earth War Force Corsair battle Dress
Khurasan Miniatures Itu’a Swarm Assault Crab
Khurasan Miniatures Itu’a Weapon Worms
Khurasan Miniatures Itu’a Swarm Rifle Bug
Ground Zero Games Crusty Heavy Infantry in armoured hostile environment suits
Ground Zero Games Crusty with rifles
Ground Zero Games Xar chitterers with Grenade Projector (Left) and Heavy Beamer (Right)
Ground Zero Games Xar chitterers with Beam Rifles
Blue Moon Manufacturing Terran Confederation Legion Troopers
Thanks for looking 

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