I Have Another Kind of Sight. I See Another Kind of Terrain: The Available Paths…..

Its been a little while but I am still here and am excited to talk about whats on the horizon for Trilaterum.   First I want to thank everyone that has bought a copy of the book.

Sales have been slow and steady and I hope to get the game out to as many as possible.

The first supplement is being worked on and will feature super-heavy vehicles and how to combat them.   
Coming up in November I will be running a game at Fall-in In Lancaster, PA on Saturday November 5th at 12:00.  
I am also working on a set of video to show some game play.   If there is any specific things people have questions about please leave a comment and I will work them in.
Don’t forget the game is available in both paper  and electronic copies on the website at www.trilaterum.com  
Sorry for so short and no new pictures next time I will have some as I have been expanding armies for the game.

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