The Mystery of Life…. Part Deux

So after getting home from work the terrain bug hit me so I decided to power through a number of pieces I had built. So here is Frostgrave Terrain part DEUX!!!

In my travels I had bought a bunch of resin accessories and immediately forgot about them. they have sit int he basement for the better part of 15 years or so and when I was looking for ideas they popped out as some to use!.  so I added some ruins with them to make some nice pieces.  I added a figure for scale as someone was asking.
I had two of these fountains and went for a frozen ice coming out by gloss coating the water area
Nice little vault door
I have 5 of each of these barrel blocks so they were a quick addition
Some sort of snake font or somthing.  after I painted I realized the snake must have originally been deisgned to be alive but I think it looks fine as a statue.
Another Fountain.
lots more to do having a lot of fun.

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