The Mystery of Life isn’t a Problem to Solve, but a Reality to Experience

So I have been busily painting terrain for Frostgrave and having a lot of fun putting my feet first into building.

First up was a good find at Michaels.  A $5 birdhouse shaped like a castle.  Looked like a perfect Wizards tower.

First problem was the texture was way to flat so I got a can of texture spray paint and that cleared that up. 
Next I added some bits from some old mordheim scenery sprues I had and added some doors.
Painted it up and added snow.
Next was a resin grave I found in my boxes of bits.  I have 6 of them and will prolly do them as individuals for scattering.  I might get some renedra gravestones and make a proper graveyard.  I have a mausoleum idea.
NExt up was my first try at a ruin.  I used pink for and Popsicle sticks. For the Floor I just used a piece of hardboard
Another shot
And Another
One more time
After painting and Snow.  Snow is very scatter someone mentioned to do them in drifts so I will try that on the next one.  
I broke the last wire I had for my hot cutter so I am in hold till I can get another.  

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