You Fight When the Necessity Arises……No Matter the Mood.

been sort of a lull the last few weeks but I am finally getting back into the swing of things.

First up is the start of 15mm ancient forces for use in Dux Bellorum and DBA.  I decided on Late Romans and Romano-British.  Here is my first Roman Test stand.

Essex Roman Legionaires
Here are some rivers and fences I made for use with 28mm Ancient and Historical Battles.
First stand of and ACW project I am doing for a friend.
The start of my Forge Fathers force.  Going to do this as a count as Space Marine Army.
Converting Jump troops using Corporation Jump Packs.
First Forge Father Test Model.
Enforcers for Deadzone. 
Some Plague for Deadzone.
So there you go.  I hope to finish the deadzone forces fast so I can concentrate on the FF and historical projects.

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