There is no escape — we pay for the violence of our ancestors….

So we have been playing a lot of Saga lately and in due form I started working on a bunch of terrain for said games.  Mostly this is all Architects of War terrain as their stuff is the Bees Knees.

These are some tents to use with the mongol force I have been working on for Saga.  I am using the Viking list until the new fire forge plastic horsemen come out then I with switch to paegan rus. These are plastic tents from renedra.
More tents with a compfire.
This is one of the new AOW  new Burial Chamber.
AOW  pig poke. (Sorry for the blurry) 
An AOW well
Small Stone Hovel from AOW
Another new piece from AOW  this is the Occupied Burial Mound
Some plastic waddle fencing and gabons from Renendra. 
I have a ton more fence and gabons to finish as these were the test pieces.

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