Any road followed precisely to its end leads precisely nowhere…..

So re purposing is the name of the game today as I made a batch of terrain repurposed from various sources.

First up are two churches that I found at Walmart after Christmas for 50 cents each.  Paint job later I think they are perfect.

Originally they were this sparkly gold color with a big ring in the top.  I primed them with Krylon khaki ultra flat then painted and washed the roofs.
The texture was actually perfect for a stucco style material and it took the paint and flock very well.
These pieces were in the spring garden section at hobby lobby I spent $30 on the pieces and I think they came out great.  I am going to use them as a dark age stone circle a la Stonehenge.  They were pre-painted perfectly so all I needed was to appropriately base them.
The larger of the standing stones.
Some small blocks
The smaller standing stones.
This was a stone alter of some kind.  
All in all I was happy as it was little effort to get this stuff up to gaming standards.

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