You do not take from this universe. It grants you what it will………

So its construction time!  I was in desperate need of buildings to use in my scifi games.  So I looked around at some blogs and decided to try my hand at electrical box buildings.  I could not be happier  With a mild investment I now am chock full of nice scenery for my 15mm scifi gaming.  They are big enough that you could use them in 28mm as well, though all the doors are sized for 15mm.

So supplies I used were a bunch of electrical boxes.  My advice is EXPLORE your shops.  I hit Walmart, Lowes, Home Depot and my local Ace.  All of them had different styles and it was good to see all the slight variations.  I also used a lot of piece form the Platformer kits from IMEX.  These were invaluable for all the cool panels and gubbins.  Other bits were wire crews and other little bits i found at the hardware store.  Most of the pieces I put on bases cause I like my terrain that way.  I did leave a few small pieces off bases so I could place them wherever.

Starting out put on a base had to saw off the nail wings.  Added various gubbins
Made a cool balcony and doorway.
More platformer bits.
I went to the Hobby shop and grabbed plastic gems to use as windows and skylights.
Originally this was going to be a skywalk but this just worked better.
A power plant or something.  I used some sponson bits I found from GW.
More gems added.
This is a shower flange for the radar dish.
PVC elbow for the mount a little elevator and ladders
This was a wire connector I used as a rocket launcher.
More gems and rocket launchers and a small building leanto
Started Priming.  I used grey and then dusted whith white.
More Priming
This was just a small bunker I made out of platformer bits and a small rocker launcher.
Nice little landing pad of some sort.
So the grey just did not work out so I went over them with kyrlon satin blue then hit them with matte coat to take the sheen off.  I painted all the panels black and then drybrushed  and pickout bits and endges
More edges and details.
1st coat of sand with black sand for the walk way to the doors
Redoing all the buildings in blue
These were really cool looking windows.
Not sure what happened here as the paint crackled.  Weather damage right!
Here is the whole lot!
Loves the round windows really looks cool
Still might add some landing markers for the helipad.
The little fuel depot bunker.
One of 2 smaller stand along buildings I did last minute.
The other stand alone ones.
Radar station
Power Plant with crackle weathering goodness.
HQ with balcony.
Courtyard building
All in all I was VERY happy with this project.  It is a welcome addition to my terrain.


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