Where We’re going We Don’t Need Roads…..

So after years and years I have finally decided to start making more terrain.  So my first project was to make some Nice new roads to use with the upcoming All Quiet on the Martian Front 15mm Victorian / WW1 scifi game.  You can use this method for any game really.  So Off we go.


Paintable Silicon Caulk
Wax Paper

When buying your caulk make sure it is pure silicon as that is it will not crack over time.  I buy this stuff its $6 at Home Depot.

So Now spread out a piece of wax paper and squeeze the silicon in the basic shape you want.  Use your fingers and smooth it out into the specific shape I Run my fingers back and forth several times since it is sticky and will leave peaks and valleys if you dont run the whole length of the piece you are doing.

When done let it sit.  It takes about 8 hours to dry.  For the next step, use your blade and cut the pieces to the specific shape taking off the rough edges.  I leave the wax paper on as it will add to keeping the piece a little more rigid.

Now is the time to paint.  For roads i just used a basic brown and once dry I added a simple black wash to the pieces.

All that is left is to flock the pieces.  I just used basic white glue painted on the edges and then sprinkled the flock on with a spoon.

All in all this is waht I got out of a single tube of the silicon.  6 long straight sections, a Y, a 4 way, 2 turns and a short straight.

I had some pieces that ended up too small so I made small water features out of them.  IT was the same method but painted blue and a blue wash was used.

So there you have it simple and fast roads for your gaming pleasure.  The next batch has already been poured.  I am experimenting with a small pond in this one.  Again this is 1 tube’s worth of silicon.

Have fun!.


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